Monday, November 1, 2010

NO to MLS Single Table, but looking like YES to Cosmos

MLS Talk blogs about the potential of the New York Cosmos in MLS, as well as the idea of a single table.

Dur­ing half-time of the MLS Play­off match between FC Dal­las and Real Salt Lake, Major League Soc­cer com­mis­sioner Don Gar­ber appeared on Fox Soc­cer Chan­nel for a few min­utes to dis­cuss devel­op­ments in the league.

Two top­ics of note was whether MLS is con­sid­er­ing com­bin­ing the con­fer­ences into one league and what his thoughts were about New York Cos­mos becom­ing the 20th team in Major League Soccer.

First, Gar­ber said that MLS has no inten­tion on com­bin­ing the con­fer­ences into a sin­gle table. His rea­son­ing was that he wants to keep rival­ries between local teams.

Sec­ond, Gar­ber said that he was impressed by what the Cos­mos has been doing and that they’ve been doing a good job thus far in their pur­suit of becom­ing a Major League Soc­cer team.

Based on Garber’s enthu­si­asm, it looks like the Cos­mos deal is prac­ti­cally a given. But as for Garber’s com­ments about not want­ing a sin­gle table, I believe his think­ing is flawed. There are tons of sin­gle table leagues around the world that still man­age to main­tain local rival­ries. Teams such as AC Milan and Inter Milan, Man­ches­ter City and Man­ches­ter United, HSV Ham­burg and St. Pauli, Ever­ton and Liv­er­pool, and so on.

It’s time for Major League Soc­cer to make changes to the league for­mat and to cre­ate a cal­en­dar that is more bal­anced as well as main­tain­ing the local rivalries.

As a former New York Cosmos ball boy and as someone who grew up in the shadows of Giants Stadium, I would love to see the Cosmos return as a major entity here in Major League Soccer.

I would also love to see a single table in MLS, but that's probably for a future blog post...

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